
« Cave, William Cavicchioni, Benjamin Cayet (Cahier, Caiet, Cajetanus), Pierre Victor Palma »

Cavicchioni, Benjamin

CAVICCHIONI, cɑ̄-vî´chō´´nî, BENJAMIN: Roman Catholic cardinal; b. at Veiano (a village near Viterbo, 42 m. n.n.w. of Rome) Sept. 27, 1836. He was ordained priest in 1859, and, after teaching for several years, went to Rome, where he studied canon law. In 1872 he became a member of the Congregation of the Council, and twelve years later was consecrated titular archbishop of Amida and appointed apostolic delegate to Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, where he remained until 1889. In the latter year he was appointed secretary of the council, with the title of archbishop of Nazianzum, and in 1903 was created cardinal priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli. He is a member of the Congregations of Bishops and Regulars, the Council, the Propaganda for the Oriental Rite, the Index, and Indulgences.

« Cave, William Cavicchioni, Benjamin Cayet (Cahier, Caiet, Cajetanus), Pierre Victor Palma »
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